Dourie Farming Company Ltd.

Rory’s diary: May at the Dourie Farming Company

May has, as always, been a very busy month. One day that really sticks in my mind is when I turned up at 07.30am to find all the jobs done and the place looking neat and tidy. It’s so great when you know you have an excellent team that you can rely on.

Some of the sunshine we had in the middle of the month was so great to see. The weather allowed us to spread calcium lime. We’ve used thousands of tonnes in the last few year to get our PH to 6.7 and our calcium magnesium ratios to the right place. All a part of good grassland management.  Speaking of grassland, I have had some really great mornings this month out and about early and listening to the bird song.  I can take a walk with beach views and loch views, not just to take in the beauty but also to see the flora and fauna paradise that we work hard to create. I particularly love seeing and smelling the Red Campions in amongst all the other species.

Whilst the cows are currently enjoying being out ag grass, May is also insemination month.  We do 70 days in total and is the most technically important time of our farming calendar.  We use a great company called ABS Global and Isla, our top operator has been fantastic this year.  We also have bulls and our new guy from Blackhaugh is also working hard. No rest for the wicked!

Fencing is another key May task and fencing master and pupil Lewys and Marky have been out knocking in posts and making sure that all is in order.

At Dourie, it not all work and no play and so later in the month we enjoyed a great team BBQ. This year, we did need hats and raging fire to keep warm but the turn in the weather didn’t dampen spirits. We had singing, we played the chocolate game (check out our social media for a funny video of me!) and everyone had the chance to let their hair down before getting back to work!

Onwards now to June…

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